Postnatal Care (Care after delivery)

Good news to potential/new mummies!!
You do not need to silent your pain during pregnancy period!!

Back pain is very very common at any point of your pregnancy, even though after delivery and during lactating period.
Prescription of medication is so limited to ease their discomfort.
Here, our manual therapy technique is safe and effective to be applied onto pregnant mother regardless any stages of pregnancy.
In addition, we use V6 vegetable oilment (Young Living), which is safe, harmless, fast absorption.
In addition, common discomfort during pregnancy / lactating includes
thoracic / upper body pain,
De Quarvain syndrome (thumb pain)
carpal tunnel syndrome (hand / fingers numbness).
BENPHYSIO is able to provide physiotherapy services without causing harm to mother via manual therapy.


Pain After Delivery

How to deal with breast pain (over lactating) after delivery?
  • Apply heat pack around the breast region (5-10min) to ease the mammary glands for easier lactation.
  • Massage on the breast until the breast soften before lactation.
How to deal with incision site pain after caesarean?
  • Wear an abdominal binder to support the incision site
  • Hold your incision site with a pillow firmly when you cough/ sneeze/ laugh
  • Ice therapy - apply ice pack on incision site 10-15min each time.
       NOTE: avoid water contact at incision site to prevent infection
  • Avoid apply any medicated oil/ cream not prescribed by your doctor on the incision site to prevent infection
How to deal with perineal pain?
  • Ice therapy / cold pad is effective in reducing perineal pain

De Quervain’s syndrome/ thumb pain/ mothers’ hand (milk pumping)

Unable to lift up the thumb due to pain
De Quervain's syndrome (mother's hand) is a common problem among new mothers.  Here are some tips to prevent/ reduce the pain.
  1. ​​​​Invest in a good breast pump
  2. How to pump? Squeeze with palm and fingers instead of thumb an fingers only.  
  3. STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH!!! Pull your thumb backwards with thumb pointing downwards and hold for 10 seconds, few repetitions, after milk pumping. You should feel a gentle pull at the palm region of your thumb. ​​
  4. Ice the pain area (near thumb)

Pull your thumb outwards and downwards until
you feel a gentle pull around the palm region of your thumb. Hold 10 sec, Repeat few times.

Shoulder blade pain / Neck pain
  • Carry your baby in different ways (refer to ‘How to carry baby/breastfeed’)
  • Sit supported (house/ office) - make sure you sit with a back support. Use ‘many many’ pillows to support your lower back and make sure your whole back is leaning against the chair back rest.
  • Apply heat packs at the pain region to relax the muscles.
         NOTE: If it’s a sudden pain, use ice packs instead. UNSURE, call us for phone consultation
  • Stretch your muscles!!! 
  • If pain persist, visit us for treatment and advice.

Turn head and look at the armpit. You should feel a gentle pull at the opposite neck. Vice verse.


Tilt your head to side. You should feel a gentle pull at the opposite neck. Vice verse.


Turn head and look at the armpit. You should feel a gentle pull at the opposite neck. Vice verse.


Turn head and look at the armpit. You should feel a gentle pull at the opposite neck. Vice verse.


Back ache
  • Change your nursing position frequently
    Don’t stay in a single position. Look up the ‘side-lying’ position, ‘football hold’, ‘laid back’, and ‘cross-cradle’ nursing positions. Try out each one to see which works the best for you! 

  • Sit properly!
    Sit on a firm, well back-supported chair. Use pillowssssss to support your lower back and sit leaning against the chair
  • Train your core muscles ASAP!
    What’s core muscles? They are your transverse abdominis, diaphragm, pelvic floor muscles and multifidus. Visit us for SIMPLE, PRACTICAL core exercises that you can practice daily at anytime. You do not need to purposely spend a 30-min daily for exercise session.

  • Spend ONE MINUTE to stretch your back to ease your pain. Stretch for 10 seconds, repeat few times.

Lie on a firm surface, hug your knees toward the chest. Hold for 10 sec, repeat.


Sit on the chair and bend forward. Relax in this position for 10 sec, repeat.


How to carry your child/ breastfeed through backache?

Common wrongdoings

Increased lower back arch (Hyperlordosis)

Sit without back support / lean back.

Carry baby one side causing body to shift sideway


Practice this

Neutral lower back arch (Normal lumbar lordosis)

Sit supported, lean back.

Carry baby in the middle centralize the spine.


Breastfeeding/ nursing position
  • Football hold

  • Side-lying position

  • Cradle hold

  • Cross cradle hold


Baby Torticollis / twisted neck

Tilted head to one-side.


The anatomy of the contracted-muscle, SCM.

Torticollis happens as a result of tightening of a neck muscle, sternocleidomastoid (SCM) at one side. Baby’s neck will appear twisted or one sided. Baby usually do not feel pain because of the tightened muscle.
How to detect torticollis? A baby with torticollis might:
  • Tilt the head in one direction
  • prefer looking at you over one shoulder instead of turning to follow you with his or her eyes
  • if breastfed, have difficulty breastfeeding on one side (or prefers one breast only)
  • work hard to turn toward you and get frustrated when unable turn his or her head completely
Don’t worry!
​Torticollis usually gets better by doing some simple stretching and positioning. Visit us for further advice and learn how to manage your baby’s torticollis.

Is baby carrier good for you?

Baby carrier is designed to reduce the burden or stress on the carrier’s body. However, you might still experiencing back ache/ pain even though you are using the most expensive ergonomically designed baby carrier.
Common causes of pain
  1. Waistband is not being situated correctly
  2. The shoulder straps not being tight enough (baby far away from parents' chest)
  3. Leaning backward when carrying your child is HAZARDOUS to your back too
In a nutshell, what actually causes the increased stress and pain of the back is THE WAY YOU CARRY. 
Call us to get your back treated.


08 Apr 2021