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Ben Loo

Ben Loo

Founder & Director of BENPHYSIO & Rehab
(Oval Dmsr, Bangsar, Puchong, KL)
Founder & Principal of BENPHYSIO Academy
Clinical Coach of BENPHYSIO Academy
HRDF Certified Trainer
B.Sc (Hons) Physiotherapy (UKM)
Manual Therapy, CSMT (Curtin University)
HVLA Advanced, Palms College of Osteopathic Medicine, Osaka (Japan)
Member of Malaysia Physiotherapy Association, MMPA
President of Private Physiotherapy Practice Association (PPPA)

The Master-Mind behind the Team
BEN loves his work!

In BENPHYSIO, Ben redefines physiotherapy as an exceptionally high-quality and high-value healthcare service. He has developed as approach dedicated to proving long-lasting treatment and exceeding clients’ expectations. This through his independent research. PASSION, keeps him alive today…

2019, ben defines BENPHYSIO as Biomechanics, Effective, Non-conventional Physiotherapy.
Ben is dedicated to maintaining the highest standard of care for his clients, and to this end has pursued, and continues to educate and provide professional development programs to his physiotherapists as well as local physiotherapists.

Ben graduated from the National University of Malaysia (UKM) Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy (with Hons) in 2008. Very keen interest in manual therapy in musculoskeletal physiotherapy, sports injury and neurological rehabilitation using his own approach, Ben’s Approach. He volunteered in NASAM in 2008 and currently volunteering in Tzu Chi neurological stroke support group @ Pudu, as the chief physiotherapist. He also appears to one of the speakers in ASTRO programme. He has been serving as Physical Consultant in Malaysian Ultimate Team.

Currently, he’s actively organizing workshops and public & corporate talks related to health/posture/ergonomics/etc.

In his pare time, Ben spends his time running, enjoying any chance he gets on his feet for a run. He has completed 4 half marathons, and numerous 5k - 7k races. In addition, he founded Ben’s Running Clinic to help runners from physiotherapy point of view to improve the runner’s running performance.

Ben believes, Do not give up in seeking treatment, look for someone who can work together with you for better recovery.

B= 人体机械




他最擅长是使用手法治疗(manual therapy technique)来治疗肌肉骨骼,运动损伤和神经损坏的棘手问题。Ben也研发了Ben’s Approach,着重治标治本的物理治疗原则。


他曾是国家中风中心(NASAM)的志愿治疗师。现在担任台湾慈济吉隆坡分行的中风治疗组的志愿治疗师。2015年起,Ben担任ASTRO AEC,万达镇U3A,Rotary Clubs,瑜伽团队,健康题材的演讲者之一。目前,Ben也积极举办各种物理治疗与复建的公共奖座,让社会了解物理治疗的复建角色和责任。至今,已累计了超过20场物理治疗演讲,当中观众群高达160位人数。


2017年起,Ben成立了BENPHYSIO Academy开始开班授业课,教导本地物理治疗师,提升本地治疗师的专业水平。而且,BENPHYSIo Academy也着重与研究与发展新的治疗。