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MyoFascial Release MFR

Myofascial Release (MFR) is a manual therapy,
involving deep friction and stroking of the body's fascia and muscles
to improve its ability to move within the body.

To know more What Conditions that we can treat:

Myofascial Release MFR also is part of Soft Tissue Manipulation.
Some people call it, Deep Tissue Manipulation
or Deep Tissue Massage

It stands from 3 words,
MYO = muscle,
FASCIAL = fasciae that covers the muscle,
RELEASE = relax, loosen.

Myofascial Massage Techniques - Myofascial release benefits & effects
A proper and effective MFR gives immediate effect
to pain reduction (especially cramp / spasm pain),
better range (morning neck stiffness, neck rotation)
as well as improved sleep quality.

To know more What Conditions that we can treat:
BENPHYSIOTM therapists are well trained
to distinguish different type of pain, type of injury,
to apply different type of pressure & direction of strokes
onto the injured tissues.

Blindly ''rubbing'' the pain area
not going to help ease the pain,
it may worsen the injury & pain.

Myofascial Release Therapy
To know more What Conditions that we can treat:

Visit us at the closest location in KL/Selangor (Oval Damansara, Bangsar, Puchong, KL ampang, Kota Damansara, Cheras) at your convenience or make appt here

Information about our physiotherapy centres

📍Benphysio @ Oval Damansara
☎️ 016-390 2015

📍 Benphysio @ Bangsar
☎️ 010-263 2015

📍Benphysio @ Puchong
☎️ 010-253 2015

📍 Benphysio @ KL Ampang
☎️ 010-283 2015

📍 Benphysio @ KD Giza
☎️ 016-439 2015

📍 Benphysio @ Cheras
☎️ 010-287 2015

Make Appointment

We would be more than happy to solve your problem and question, please arrange your appointment with us.